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Race Day!

Good Morning, Trotters!

It’s a balmy 19 degrees out there right now.  Here’s today’s schedule:

SCHEDULE 6:30 Race day packet pick up – Trinity lobby 7:00 Close of race day registration 7:20 Welcome/Food Pantry Thanksgiving/Prayer/Final Instructions 7:30 Race Start on St. Paul Ave near the north entrance 8:30 Awards Ceremony in Trinity lobby 11:30 Noon Community Meal at Living Water Community Church

PARKING On race morning, please use the south entrance and avoid parking directly next to the main entrance as this will be the race finish area.


Restrooms will be available in the church beginning at 6:30 am Prerace water is available in the church lobby water fountains. Post race food and drink will be available for runners and walkers only

CLOTHING & NUMBERS Race number must be visible on the front of clothing at all times during race to be included in results There will not be a clothing check-in, please store extra clothing in your car. You may leave items in the church or parking lot, but items will not be secured.

FINISH & TIMING The race finishes near the front door of Trinity. Stay in order in the finish chute as your bib number is recorded. Results will be available as close to 8:30 as possible and posted on the website later in the day.

AWARDS The awards ceremony will be held as close to 8:30 as possible and be held in the church lobby Age Groups: 9 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+ Prizes Overall male and female: scarf, headband and gloves (all three) Age Group: Either a scarf, headband or gloves (choose one)

COURSE See back for details

THE CAUSE We encourage all runners and walkers to bring non expired and non perishable food items as a donation for the Orange City Food Pantry. We will collect food items inside the church lobby on the morning of the race. Volunteers from Trinity will deliver the food to the food pantry.

THANK YOU! And Thanks be to God!

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 1:3)



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