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Time to Get Registered

Hi Friends,

Let’s do this!  This week, let’s make a big push to get registered for the Turkey Trot.  It’s only $20, which includes a T-shirt, AND proceeds support a great cause – the Orange City Food Pantry.

Ready to register?

  1. Orange City Recreation has set up registration software for us:  CLICK HERE.

  2. Click on “Register for Activities,” then “Fall Programming / Run,” then “Turkey Trot.”

  3. Choose to register for either the run or walk, add it to your cart and proceed to check out.

E-mail questions to

If you would prefer to print out a registration, click on this file:  2013 Turkey Trot.  Simply fill it our and return to Trinity Reformed Church, 201 St. Paul Ave. SE, Orange City, IA  51041.

E-mail questions to

Be sure to share this post with your friends, and to “like” and “share” our page and posts on Facebook:



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